Bill to ease restrictions on gun silencers shelved after Vegas slaughter

The current bill that was trying to pass through congress has been paused after the Las Vegas shooting earlier in October. The Hearing Protection Act would eliminate restrictions on silencers and therefore remove the need for a special license to acquire one.  Republicans now have shelved the vote, that is heavily sponsored by the NRA, in response to the Vegas slaughter. House democrats are appalled that this bill is not being removed indefinitely

“It is not enough to simply hold a moment of silence, or place U.S. flags at half-staff; rather we believe that, in the wake of the horrific shootings last evening in Las Vegas, you must clearly state that the House will not seek to make matters worse by passing this legislation,” – Letter signed by House Democrats

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screen-shot-2017-10-26-at-8-33-10-pm.pngSofia Guillemard